A Wonderful Day

Day 27 Astorga to Rabanal

Day 28 Rabanal to El Acebo

20 May 2014

Vespers on the Camino

Yesterday I walked in boots for the first time in two days with no ill effects. We arrived at the village of Rabanal in time for a long afternoon nap. Dinner was arranged to be after vespers and then an American woman told us to ‘go early if you want a seat’. I felt drawn to go.

It was a lovely service conducted by a monk from the monastery. He was a quiet kind man with a beautiful voice. Four peregrinos were asked to each do a short reading in their own language.  The Gregorian chanting in the simple old church was a lovely end to the day. Followed by a fabulous paella.

Rabanal on the French Camino
Home made Paella in Rabanal

News From Home

Today was a wonderful day if full of contrasts. I found out in the morning that a friend has lung cancer after beating stomach cancer a few years ago.  Today I walked for him and his family.

At the Cruz de Ferro where traditionally peregrinos place a stone ‘to leave behind the baggage of the past and move on’, I placed my stone for Murray.

Scenery on the French Camino
Scenery on the way to El Acebo

Inspiring Pilgrims

We were rugged up most of the day in beanies and gloves but then the sun came out. We met an inspirational couple from New Zealand who are arriving in Santiago on their 50th wedding anniversary.

50th Anniversary on the Camino de Santiago
Celebrating their 50th Anniversary

The heather and wildflowers were magnificent.

Colour on the Camino de Santiago
Heather and Colour
El Acebo my favourite place on the Camino
Descending into El Acebo

Fond Memories

The walk down into the village was as hard as the last time we did it two years ago-for those of you who don’t know we did sections of the Camino with friends then. Today brought back fond memories.

Next Post: It had to happen


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