First Blisters
Day 16 Hornillos to Castrojerez
Day 17 Castrojerez to Fromista
10 May 2014
Over 330km into our Camino, and just when I was feeling complacent, I felt a niggle on my left heel only 11km into today’s 26km walk. Out came the wool but that was insufficient and a bit further on I had to resort to Compeed – thank goodness for modern technology.

An Early Start
We left at 6:30 in an attempt to miss most of the heat of the day. With the sun rising behind us we were following our shadows.
Like most places the hotel last night had very few staff. Senor Camino as I call him (in the striped shirt) was receptionist, barman, waiter and chef. He has done 15 Caminos!

Learning To Take Things as They Come
When we went to pay last night as we were leaving before breakfast (just leave the key on the counter when you go) our washing was not ready but ‘it would be waiting for us downstairs when we left’. Well it wasn’t.
A week ago this would have bothered me but taking it as it came, we left a note in my passable Spanish asking for it to be sent on with our bag- half expecting it to be lost forever.
But no, things in Spain do work if a bit differently and our carefully dried and folded washing was in a bag attached to our maleta (suitcase) ) when we got to Fromista.
Leaving without breakfast meant the first coffee was 9km away. Except enterprising José set himself up at the top of a steep hill with a welcome cuppa and fruit. All for a donativo.

Some do the Long March
Today we met a Frenchman who had walked out of his home in Paris onto the Camino. He will walk over 70 days to Santiago.

My Meseta
The much maligned meseta is lovely. While the path is often long, hot and straight there’s plenty to stimulate the senses. We saw more farmers tending their crops in the last 2 days than all previous days put together. Pretty little birds chirping away, trees provided welcome irregular shade and we walked alongside a wonderful canal system initially used for transport but now for irrigation.

Enrique was happy to have his photo taken as he bought bread and eggs from the mobile tienda(shop)

Next Post: So I Lied