Rivendell Entrance

Concord West: The Kokoda Walk and Heritage Homes

A Self-Guided Walk in Concord West

Download the Walking Map and Notes

When researching Concord West, I discovered that it is much more than a bayside suburb. Today, alighting at Rhodes Station, I’m looking forward to a Kokoda Track Memorial Walk, heritage homes and a pleasant bayside walk.

The Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway

I’ve often driven past Brays Bay Reserve entrance, and wondered what’s there. Well, there’s the posh looking Oliveto Restaurant whose tables laid with white linen cloths, look out onto the bay, a playground, a picnic area and the start of the Kokoda Memorial Track Walkway.

Park in Concord West
Start of the walk

Seating on Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway

A man wearing khaki shorts and navy t-shirt walks up the metal stairs to ‘give life give blood’ at the Mobile Blood Donor Centre in the car park. Not for the first time, I reflect on my ‘ineligible’ blood donor status, after my year in England in the early 1980s.

The Information Stations

The Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway, a wide, flat winding path begins here. Opposite the first of twenty-two information stations, wooden seating provides a place for contemplation. At each station, a photographic record and written piece describes an aspect of events in Papua New Guinea in World War II.

As I walk between thick tropical vegetation, a reminder of conditions on the Kokoda Track, I learn about Sanananda, Buna “Battle of the Beaches”, Gona “Gona’s Gone” and Gorari “Crucial Victory Against All Odds”.

Map of Kokoda Track
Route of Kokoda Track
Mateship on the Kokoda
After Burying Japanese Soldiers

This smooth 800m memorial walking track is easy, a far cry from the horrors experienced by our troops and the challenges faced by many who today choose to walk the Kokoda Trail. Instead this track serves to inform and provide space for contemplation.

Industrial Heritage of the Area

Off to the side some structures draw me away from the Kokoda Walking Track. There’s no signage to explain the series of grey painted metal frames with cross beams which lead to the water or the other concrete path with a tall frame at each end.

Two sections of a rusty bow of a ship with chains and beams rest on a bed of white pebbles. An explanation of sorts reads “WW II (1939-1945) Commonwealth Ship Building Yard” and “120-foot steel vessels”. Walking up the concrete path I read a series of names and dates.

Industrial Heritage in Concord West
What is this?
Reflecting Ship building in Concord West
Women’s Names in the pathway

MRL251 Feb 1946, Evelyn, Empress Oct 1945, Ellen Mar 1946, and more women’s names. Why do all start with the letter ‘E”? Elvira, Ellen, Elsa, and Endeavour, then Elaine, Enchantress, Eunice and Estelle. Ship’s names perhaps?

Later, off the Kokoda Walkway, I find a plaque which explains that Brays Reserve reflects early industrial activity here including slipway construction, ironworks and WW II shipbuilding.

Returning to the walking track a recorded male voice gets louder as I approach the next ‘station’, Wairopi. A strong male Aussie voice describes the place that is Wairopi and explains what happened there.

Two nurses walk towards me take away coffee in hand. This walking track ends at Concord Hospital. It facilitates hospital staff accessing public transport, but what about those whose shifts begin or end in the dark. How safe is this walk at night?

The Memorial Centrepiece

At the Memorial Centrepiece, wreaths of poppies crafted by students from Epping West Public School fade in the hot sun. Etchings on the large granite Memorial Wall recognise the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel and Mateship.

Ship Building Reference in Brays Bay Reserve
Rusted Ship Parts
Kokoda Memorial Centrepiece
The Memorial Centrepiece

Nearby, a sandstone bench provides seating under a shady tree. Vietnam Veterans crafted this bench in their Ryde TAFE Outreach stonemasonry class. A nice link between one group of Veterans and another.

A mosquito lands on my arm. A small but fitting reminder of the awful conditions faced by our soldiers who served in Papua New Guinea.

Today is Monday, and The Kokoda Cafe is closed. That’s OK, I’m not ready for coffee yet. Another depiction of the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel, this time a statue, stands outside the Kokoda Education Centre.

Around Concord Hospital

Now, I leave WW II for a different side of Concord West. Walking alongside Concord Hospital Car Park, I notice people being transported on a golf buggy. This valuable service provided by volunteers assists people to get around the large hospital grounds.

Thomas Walker Hospital

A magnificent gatehouse with arched gateway at the end of Hospital Road, leads to the heritage buildings of “Walker Convalescent Hospital”, not accessible to the public. Now Rivendell School for adolescents with mental health issues, the Hospital was built in the late 1800s from money bequeathed by philanthropist, banker and politician, Thomas Walker.

Concord Hospital
Concord Hospital
Lines and Curves

Taking a chance now, I ignore my prepared notes to follow the arrow through the hospital grounds to “The Foreshore Walk”.  All goes well until the Hospital Redevelopment Works confuse me. A traffic attendant reassures me that I can get through and then another Foreshore Walk sign provides confirmation.

The Foreshore Walk

Mangroves come right up to a retaining wall beyond the car park. I look around. There’s another sign to my right. An earthy scent permeates the air and reflections from the mangroves ripple in the receding tidal water.

A construction worker taking a smoke break answers my question about access with “I think you can. Yes, I’ve seen other people come from there”.

He’s correct. The dirt path continues between two rusty wire fences. A male Superb Fairy Wren dances with two females on some dried vines. He really is very pretty and the females rather dull.

Yaralla Estate
Dry grass of Yaralla House
Stairway in Yaralla Estate
Impressive stairway

Yaralla Estate

Thick mangroves hide the water from the Foreshore Walk. Tree roots criss-cross the flat dirt path. The sight of a thin owl resting on a fallen log startles me. On closer inspection I find it’s not an owl at all but the knotty end of a branch.

A sign announces Yaralla Estate. Also known as Dame Eadith Walker Estate, Thomas Walker and his daughter Eadith lived here. Apparently, the Governor General of Australia lived at Yaralla between 1912 and 1914. Now the house operates as a health facility.

People walk their dogs and throw sticks into the water for them to retrieve. One young labradoodle bounds up to sniff me. The man says “sorry”. His partner walks by stony faced, studiously avoiding eye contact.

Concord RSL

Marks on the Concord RSL Memorial Wall indicate where name tags and other items have been removed for “storage and safekeeping”. How sad that these service people are no longer publicly remembered, possibly because thoughtless others vandalised or removed items from the wall.

Concord RSL
It seems neglected
Painted Bus at the RSL

Heritage in Concord West

Away from the Foreshore Walk now, I enter suburban Concord West to find heritage tree lined streets and the so-called heritage gardens in Cumming Avenue. All I find are a couple of tall eucalypts and trimmed hedges.

Concord West Station was once heritage listed, but from a distance, I can see it’s been modernised. All that remains is a photograph of what once was.

Heritage Trees
Yaralla Street
Cummings Ave Concord West
Is this a Heritage Garden?

A series of mosaics decorating the pavement on Victoria Avenue refer to the area’s heritage. The Arcadia Theatre, The Concord Hotel, The Concord West Public School and more.

Closed on Mondays, Three Spoons Café at number 29 is described as the “Best preserved example in a row of five attached, two-storey shops”. Not anymore! The hairdresser next door seems more heritage-like with its leadlight windows.

An entire front yard laid with fake grass gets me wondering if fake grass is becoming “a thing” as people have less time and inclination to garden.

Concord West Station
No Heritage Here
Heritage Concord West Station
The old Station

Many of the shops along busy Concord Road look tired and the newsagent is dark with little stock on the shelves. Only the building housing an antique store seems reasonably well maintained.

After passing the Masonic hall (are all Masonic Halls built to the same design?) and a pretty mural, I walk up and down suburban streets peering at the architecture and looking up heritage listed homes.

Masonic Hall Concord West
A universal Style?
Heritage Post Box in Concord West
The Anglican Church

Federation Homes

These Federation Style homes have been identified as significant for some unique characteristic, be it the hipped roof, number of gables or a particular design feature.

Tiles decorate curved paths in some, and the risers on stairs to the house in others. Verandahs differ from one another and pretty leadlight windows abound.

The more organised households already have their Christmas decorations up. A couple fly the Australian flag.  Most homes seem to be well maintained with neat gardens.

Federation Houses
Blue and White
Entrance to House in Concord West
Bold Entrance
Veranda Detail
Different Verandah

Dame Edith Walker Estate

At the end of The Drive, open gates lead into the Dame Edith Walker Estate, her initials welded into the blue metal gates.

On the way back to the station, I again pass the Anglican Church, this time noticing the detail of the spire. Decorated pressed metal with scalloped edges, it’s really quite pretty.

Fairy Wren Street Mural
Fairy Wrens by Ellen Schlobohm
Mosaics in Concord West
Referencing Heritage Sites

Thoughts on Concord West

Concord West has turned up a few surprises. The Kokoda Memorial Walking Track is well worth a visit as is the Foreshore Walk. If, like me, you enjoy discovering fine Federation Architecture, there is plenty to see in Concord West.

Enjoyed discovering Concord West? Then you are sure to enjoy Randwick and Annandale (for Heritage) and Freshwater (for ANZAC Memorial)
Next Stop: Northbridge

Useful information:

Concord West is located 16 km west of the Sydney CBD.

Plan your trip at transportnsw.info

While I was unable to get to Powell Creek Reserve on the other side of the railway line, I’ve been told it is worth a visit.

Walking Map and Notes

I used these maps to plan my walk through Concord West. You can download them here and here. Use the maps together with these Concord West Day Notes. Please note that the time indicated on my map doesn’t allow for stopping and looking around.


  1. Jo, did you know there is an interesting Mosque, Rhodes Musallah in Shoreline Drive, a short walk on the western side of the station.

  2. Hi, Jo,
    I don’t know if you picked up a brochure on the walkway but, if you did, I produced that when I had my my design business many years go so I know it well 🙂

    1. Hi Philip, What a small world – I enjoy it when my walks overlap with things people I know have done. Unfortunately I didn’t see any brochures, but interesting to know that you produced it.

  3. Jane, one of my Instagram followers, has the following story about the Thomas Walker Gatehouse at Concord West (posted with her permission)

    When I was young my parents had friends ( Connor) who were living in that gatehouse for a time. They took us on a tour of the grounds & buildings. There were fields full of edible mushrooms, a timber shed or building of some sort built completely without nails, a sunken garden and in the great hall was a stained glass window with Walker’s eye watching down over everyone. A fascinating adventure for a young kid ending with a high tea in the gatehouse …. butterfly cakes & cucumber sandwiches.

  4. I lived in Concord West for a few years as a child and then again for another few years when I was a young adult. The Federation House I lived in both times is still there. Now David and I return regularly to cycle (on mountain bikes) the foreshore route along the edge of the Parramatta River, continuing past the golf club marked at the end of your first map. We park our car at Meadowbank, cross Ryde Bridge and eventually return to the north side of the river using the Mortlake Ferry. The ferry is an experience all in itself. The ferrymen recognise us and are always up for a friendly chat while we are on the water.

    1. Thanks for your story about Concord West, Lyn. I love hearing readers’ experiences when they lived in a particular suburb. It seems I must add the Mortlake Ferry to my list of things to do in suburban Sydney.

  5. Plenty of reminders of WWII hardship along the Kokoda trail. Yaralla Estate looks grand, I’m glad that it is preserved and used as a health facility. Concord looks interesting and varied.
    Thanks for another good post Jo.

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