Albergaria – a – Nova to Sao Joao de Madeira 22.1km

Where to have lunch?

How does sitting in the shade after walking in the hot sun sound to you? It sounded good to me too! The only problem was there wasn’t anywhere shady to plonk ourselves down for our picnic.

Lunch in the gutter on the Portuguese Camino de Santiago
Lunch in the gutter

We’ve taken to getting a small round of delicious cheese (lots to choose from), ham or salami, an apple and a tomato for lunch. This beats the repetitive offerings at local bars or cafés. I looked for someone to ask if we could use their garden or garage. But they were all sensibly indoors sheltering from the heat. I contemplated ringing a door bell. But instead we ended up in the gutter!

Doors in Portugal
Our view at lunch

Lunch on the sidewalk

Leaning against the cool wall, shoes off and legs stretched out in front of us we had a well needed rest. A passing thought that we’d end up with wet bottoms should someone pour their dirty washing water into the drain didn’t concern us at all.

Today women were out early walking or chatting.

Women of Portugal
Friendly Locals
Women of Portugal
More women of Portugal

Bread as usual had already been delivered when we walked past.

Bread delivery in Portugal
Bread delivery

Regular Pain Killers are helping

If anyone tells you that the Portuguese Camino is flat, they obviously haven’t walked it! Whether it was the double dose of Nurofen, the regular stretch breaks, the uneven cobbled pavement for the second half of the day, my feet felt better than they have for ages as we climbed up to our destination for tonight.

Morning stop on Portuguese Camino
Morning stop (out of order)

We’ve done over 300km and will be in Porto in two days.

Roman Road in Portugal
Roman Road

Next Post: Såo Joao de Madeira to Grijo


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