Rest day – Porto, Porto to Vila Cha 22km
Rest day in Porto
Our rest day in Porto meant a sleep in,some sightseeing, buying a few necessities and getting our hair cut (my colour will have to wait). The Lello bookstore is beautifully restored with the finest wood finishing.

The sangria at the Majestic café was great (the café is pretty cool too!)

A Reluctant Start from Porto to Vila Cha
Rising at the usual 6am, neither of us were enthusiastic about getting going, but as we started walking along the river out of town the sun started to rise and our spirits lifted. I wondered what the office workers crawling alongside us in their dark cars (black seems to be a popular colour) thought about the couple striding along with backpacks and walking poles. Would they have liked to join us or did they think that we’re mad?

Support from Strangers
We passed under the bridge and soon the sea was on our left. We were no longer invisible. People returned greetings. Two young girls running past and a policeman hailed us calling out ‘Bom Caminho’.

While the traffic continued roaring on our right, the soft sounds of the waves lapping the shore and the salty smell of the sea reached us from the left. Often even the sound of the traffic was dulled by dunes or vegetation.
Passing a fish market there were hole in the wall fishmongers and people selling their catch from the street.

The boardwalk extended for miles with no shelter from the sun. Bearable in 25º heat but no fun in summer.

At a little fishing village men were cleaning some strange looking seafood they had cut off rocks. There was evidence of free diving everywhere.

And still the yellow arrows.

Vila Cha
Tonight we’re in another little fishing village.

We’ve had a rejuvenating barefoot walk along the beach, cooling our feet in the Atlantic. And were amazed by a woman hand knotting a fishing net. It will be one hundred meters long!

Next Post: Vila Cha to Rio Alto