Off the main track

Day 20 Calzadilla de las Cuevas to Sahagun

Day 21 Sahagun to El Burgo de Ranero

Day 22 El Burgo Ranero to Mansilla de las Mulas

15 May 2014

A Less Worn Path

Yesterday we took the less popular Roman road. It added a few more kilometers to our journey but was worth it to be away from the road and on a quieter path.

On entering the pueblo that was our destination we came across a group of people.  Some working on the finishing touches of a driveway and the others  watching the progress.  As we approached, they gesticulated that our route was straight ahead.  As this meant crossing a four or five track railway line, I hesitated and asked where we should cross.

Crossing Railway tracks on the French Camino
We have to cross here

A Helpful Local

The woman in a long pink dressing gown with died red/brown hair took control and walked us across the lines saying that we should just look out for trains! The Renfre had speeded past only a few minutes previously!

Storks are in abundance, nesting at the top of any tall mast or bell tower. There are often one or two babies to be seen poking their heads above the large nessy nest.

Storks on the French Camino

Roman Road

Today we followed the crowd out of town but then veered off to meet up with the Roman road again.  This meant crossing the railway line again-this time on our own!

Abandoned Train Station on the French Camino
Once a Train Station

Pleasant Tea Breaks

We took it slowly having two lovely stops along the way, under trees next to the canals that are part of a big irrigation system.  Cheese on biscuits washed down with orange juice and followed by chocolate never tasted so good. I am pretty sure that I saw a Hoopoe fly off-distinguished by distinctive tail feathers.

Meeting Up Again

After one stop I noticed someone familiar who we had not seen in days-and who I thought was way ahead of us. Orlando from Bogota had rested his feet in Burgos for two days and it was hugs all round when we recognized each other.

Pilgrims on the French Camino
Catching up with our Colombian Friend from earlier on

He is in the middle.  Philippe is someone else we had not seen for ages.
Tomorrow a horrible stage into Leon. All the way along a busy road. Many take the bus!

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