Nearly there
Day 38 Melide to Arzua
Day 39 Arzua to Arua
31 May 2014
Subtle Changes on the Camino
The sights, sounds and smells have changed again-if subtly. For the last three days we have heard the buzz of a chain saw cutting through the sounds of an increasingly more populated (hence noisy with traffic) area.
It seems we are in a region of wood lopping. There are stands of eucalyptus, the scents of newly chopped wood and the reflections in a bar window of trucks passing by with their loads of tree trunks.
Mojitos on the Camino
Yesterday after a rather mediocre peregrino meal we went to a local cafe for another drink. Of course we couldn’t resist the mojitos. Friday evening at a local.
The clever owner had set up a play tent to occupy the kids while the parents had a few drinks. The kids were then given a bag of chips each. And the parents ordered another round. Not in Australia.
Not as fit as we thought
Our room was on the third floor. Not a problem for a couple who have walked over 700km across Spain and whose home is 80+ stairs from their boatshed. Or so you would think! We may now be fit for long distances but the huffing and puffing at the top of the stairs made us wonder how we’ll manage back home!
Quieter Day
We are again out of the wave of peregrinos. Yesterday and today were relatively quiet on the track. Many people are working hard to ensure that they are in Santiago for the 12:30pm pilgrims mass tomorrow (Sunday) when the botafumiero will be sent swinging through the Cathedral. This is only done on Sundays and Fridays unless some wealthy people – or a group of people- pay for it on another day. I have heard the cost is €500!!!!.
We won’t make it in time tomorrow so I hope to just take our time. Like today. This incredible journey is about to end and I want to savour every last bit.
A Birthday on the Camino
It’s Bronek’s birthday today. He is pleased that he now qualifies for the seniors card which will enable him to travel on Sydney public transport all day for only $2:50. That’s about all that pleases him about turning 60! We are in a lovely hotel about 20km from Santiago.
Fortunately they have a nice menu so we’ll forgo the pilgrim meal and he can have the steak he’s been hanging out for. And a good bottle of Rioga.
Our Camino ends tomorrow!
Next post: We are in Santiago