
La Ramallosa to Vigo via O Freixo about 24 km

Lost Credentials

Packing up to leave this morning our credenciales were not where they should be. We have these documents stamped wherever we stay and a few places in between. We looked everywhere but they seemed to be lost.
The last time we remember seeing them was when we checked in. The office was closed but bread man told us we’d find someone in the kitchen. That person opened the office. Nothing. And nothing at the bar where we ate lunch and dinner.

Heavy Hearts

We set off for Vigo with heavy hearts. While cloudy, it was calm and dry. Our spirits though, were low. We took a longer route via the Albergue at O Freixo in the hope that we could get new credenciales there. No luck. Louis and his neighbour were very helpful,  both offering to drive us into Vigo. As we’ve walked every step so far,  we refused their generous offer.

Small details

A lady collected chestnuts on the side of the road,  using a rock to break them out of spine covered shells. A toothless man and his wife with as few front teeth shook an unusual fruit from a tree in a park. Refusing a photo, he gave us some of his pickings. We have yet to try them.

And then I found them

Exhausted and pretty much over today, we couldn’t find new credenciales anywhere. But of course, on searching my backpack once more, I found them safely tucked between two items of black clothing. What a relief. And what a waste of a day. My camera stayed in my pocket.

Credential for Camino de Santiago
Stamped Passport

The Photos Arrived

One positive thing happened. The photographer from Esponsende sent me the photos he took off us.

Together on the Camino de Santiago
Professional Photo


We may yet feature in their tourist brochure.

Accommodation suggestion for La Ramallosa

For any couple (or two people sharing) thinking of staying at the Albergue at La Ramallosa I strongly recommend you think about a pension or hotel. We paid €30 (€40 high season) and got a tiny very basic private room with shared bathroom. The sheets and towels mentioned in the rules on the back of the door were nowhere to be found.
The night before at Hotel O Peñasco (2km past Mougas), we paid the same amount for a private room and bathroom with fresh sheets and towels and those little shampoos treasured by those of us not carrying shampoo! Be warned though. From October many places close for the low season.

Next Post: Vigo to Arcade



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