Friendly Locals
Day 4 Larrasoana to Cizur Menor
Day 5 Cizur Menor to Puente de la Reina
28 April 2014
Prevention is better than Cure
Yesterday the sheep’s wool came out. I felt my first hot spot and being the good girl that I am, we stopped so I could attend to my foot applying the wool as a preventive measure. It works a treat.

Friendly Cafe Staff
We left before breakfast this morning so took a detour to a panaderia for coffee and pastry. Unfortunately it was only opening in 10 min. But no. The friendly proprietor opened up early so we could get on our way.

Collecting Snails
We then met a couple collecting caracoles (snails). She told us they would take 15 days to clean and then would be ready to eat. …’delicioso’. I must try them.
Fellow Pilgrims
We estimated there were 300 pilgrims leaving St Jean the day we left. It’s amazing how you spread out and can go for ages without seeing anyone and then all bunch up again at a bar, lookout or town. We’re getting to know and meet other pilgrims along the way.

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